Wednesday, March 9, 2022

The bass the river and sheila mant essay

The bass the river and sheila mant essay

Considering that the boy was only 14 years while Sheila was seventeen, I was so challenged since there are times I have found myself in almost the same situation. This action will lead him to his biggest regret. On land he is nervous and anxiously prepares his canoe so that he will impress Shelia, the bass the river and sheila mant essay. The boy swims up and down the river, but he is not the only one that is trying to impress Shelia. The realization comes later after he has accidentally hooked the biggest fish he has ever hooked. Older boys that are part of the crew team also try to get her attention but she remains aloof.

CHECK THESE SAMPLES OF The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant

Wetherell, is an initiation story in which the symbols of fishing and Sheila Mant illustrate how the character of the narrator transforms from youth and innocence to sophistication and maturity. At age fourteen, it is typical for a boy such as the narrator to be beginning this transformation. Being innocent and naive in a sense, the fourteen year old narrator gets an enormous crush on a seventeen year old girl named Sheila Mant and comes to believe she is what he loves most in life. For him, Sheila is a symbol of the maturity and sophistication he will eventually become a part of.

When the narrator finally works up the nerve to ask her out to a concert, the bass the river and sheila mant essay agrees to go. On the way to the concert, we see some other symbols such as the bass and his fishing rod. These symbolize the pleasures in life the narrator truly loves more than anything. In hindsight, the narrator realizes this is the case when he reflects on how Sheila and fishing have affected his life separately. His maturity is shown in his ability to realize later on what is actually most important to him in life. At the beginning, the narrator is a character of much innocence and naivete, but as the story develops, he becomes more mature and sophisticated. His love for fishing and Sheila Mant is that of one who has never had to worry about the problems love can cause.

His first step towards the transformation comes through his asking out of the older Sheila Mant. In doing so, he is opening himself to the troubles that come along with involving himself in love. Opening himself to the pain he knows this may cause is a sign that he will no longer have the ignorance that allows him to avoid pain. As the story progresses, these love problems begin to identify themselves. Immediately, the narrator knows that he must separate his love for fishing from his love of Sheila, but does not yet realize he will have to choose one not both. The realization comes later after he has accidentally hooked the biggest fish he has ever hooked.

By reeling in the bass, the bass the river and sheila mant essay, he would be losing Sheila, but cutting it loose would make him lose the the bass the river and sheila mant essay of his life. When the narrator finally knows a decision must be made between the bass and Sheila, he chooses Sheila believing it is a more mature thing to do. The symbols of the story, mainly the fishing rod, the bass, and Sheila Mant, are symbols of the transformation the narrator undergoes. mount[s] [his] Mitchell reel. By bringing his rod on a date with Sheila, his maturity is shown as being undeveloped due to his inexperience.

Even so, letting the bass go was a sign that he was not yet to the point of being completely grown up, and that he still has some changing to do. Being older, she seems to be the maturity he is looking for so he thinks choosing her is the mature thing to do. This is because it had been a childish decision to choose Sheila over the bass. Even so, it was this decision that led him to learning not to make the same mistake in giving up what really mattered to him for something childish. His love of both fishing and Sheila Mant show his innocence at the beginning of the novel.

As the narrator begins to change and develop as a person, so too do the symbols change in their meaning to him. The fishing rod becomes his true passion, the bass becomes his inward struggle of becoming more mature, and instead of being sophistication, Sheila becomes the symbol of what the narrator would later see as his childhood innocence. As a result, the reader can view the narrator as a changed man, who has learned from his experiences and grown into a mature adult by the end of the story. I'm Erica! Would you like to get a custom essay? How about receiving a customized one?

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The reason why I enjoyed reading this particular piece of literature is the moral lessons I have been able to get from the story. The first thing that impresses me most about this young boy is the way he faces situations. Just like this boy, there are numerous times when I have been called upon to make decisions at the spur of the moment. These are times when I have to choose between staying with my dream or compromise to get something else that I may need to get at that particular time. The story told me how to go for what I believe in despite what is at stake in doing so. Sacrifice is one thing that the world should learn. The story taught me how we should sacrifice some things in life just to keep others happy. With all the things happening in the world, the sacrifice that was made by this young man should be a wake-up call to all of us who believe in making the world a better place for humankind.

To me, this is such a good attitude that I have learned to emulate. Despite the numerous sacrifices that this young boy had made, he decides to have the right attitude towards his situation. Though he had sacrificed the biggest bass that he ever caught and his fishing line for a girl who embarrasses and dumps him, he decides that spilled water can never be collected and he decides to move on. This has told me how to forgive myself when I have done some foolish mistakes in life. The other thing that made me enjoy reading this story is that I am a strong believer in love. Considering that the boy was only 14 years while Sheila was seventeen, I was so challenged since there are times I have found myself in almost the same situation. This taught me how to know if what one is having is real love or just a crush.

The fact that the spell was broken within a month goes a long way in proving that what was happening between the two was not real love. Through the story, I have been able to differentiate between real love and infatuation. From the beginning, the story is filled with suspense and this kept me turning the pages to learn what would happen at the end. Even so, letting the bass go was a sign that he was not yet to the point of being completely grown up, and that he still has some changing to do. Being older, she seems to be the maturity he is looking for so he thinks choosing her is the mature thing to do.

This is because it had been a childish decision to choose Sheila over the bass. Even so, it was this decision that led him to learning not to make the same mistake in giving up what really mattered to him for something childish. His love of both fishing and Sheila Mant show his innocence at the beginning of the novel. As the narrator begins to change and develop as a person, so too do the symbols change in their meaning to him. The fishing rod becomes his true passion, the bass becomes his inward struggle of becoming more mature, and instead of being sophistication, Sheila becomes the symbol of what the narrator would later see as his childhood innocence.

As a result, the reader can view the narrator as a changed man, who has learned from his experiences and grown into a mature adult by the end of the story. I'm Erica! Would you like to get a custom essay? How about receiving a customized one? order now. The entire story is centered on river. When the narrator decided to ask Sheila out, he walks to her house and watches her nervously. On land he is nervous and anxiously prepares his canoe so that he will impress Shelia. She is not interested in him or what he likes to do. She is vain and only concerned with herself. Shelia would rather be skiing, at a frat party, or with older people like crew member number four rather than in the boat with the boy heading down the river.

It is at this point the boy becomes enlightened about Shelia. This is a drastic change. Like fate, the boy throws his fishing gear into the canoe just by force of habit and heads for Sheila. Gliding down the streams a sudden pull grabs a hold of the pole and unlike any other bass this one is majestic, strong, and knows his ways around the water. One, that it was a bass. Two, that it was a big bass. Three, that it was the biggest bass I have ever hooked. Four, that Shelia Mant must not know. With this final thought he cuts him loose, which was his decision point and it is something that he forever regrets.

Definitely dumb. After he weighs this in his mind he decided to cut the line in order to win favor with Shelia.

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