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Statutory interpretation essay

Statutory interpretation essay

Hence the order binding the accused must be squashed. Please check your inbox, statutory interpretation essay. Karen then, counter-petitioned to alleged Doyle that he lack respect for his failure to pay child support in respect of his modification petition. Judges may use the extrinsic aid of a dictionary to give words their ordinary meaning. Different rules of interpretation may be applied statutory interpretation essay depend upon the nature of the ambiguity and the content in which it arises. Those rules are known collectively as rules of statutory interpretation.

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Discuss the rules and other aids used in statutory interpretation which statutory interpretation essay judges could use to help them arrive at a decision in each of the appeals. You should also pay attention to judicial precedent and statutory interpretation essay whether the case that the appellants wish to use may be binding on the Court of Appeal. This case study will investigate how certain rules or aids in statutory interpretation can affect the decision of an appeal in court due to the different circumstances involved in a case. There will be three main cases that will be discussed in order statutory interpretation essay gain statutory interpretation essay insight into how different rules used in law; such as statutory interpretation essay mischief rule, literal rule and golden rule can affect how certain legislation can be interpreted within various cases, statutory interpretation essay.

When in court it is usually the judge that will apply and statutory interpretation essay the legislation given to them, thus making their decision based on what is seen as the most likely meaning of an original statute when it was processed, statutory interpretation essay. This shows that what is decided by a court in the past should not be disregarded when looking into similar cases in lower courts. Although when any decision is made it is vital statutory interpretation essay Ratio decidendi is applied, this means that any points made in the case must be stated in order for the verdict to hold relevance.

Whereas one of the other rules is the golden rule which is where the judge is able to proceed with the case in the way they would interpret best to avoid an illogical outcome. The litter act states that: 1 It shall be an offence to drop litter in a public place 2 Litter means bottles, papers or other such items In the case of Jamal, where he was arrested, convicted and appeals the decision; as he was walking and his shopping dropped over the floor, due to the bag splitting. Therefore the judge would interpret the statute as being irrational and ambiguous in this case due to the circumstances that caused Jamal to be convicted. One of the other instances is the case of Junita, who fell asleep whilst on a park bench and the fish and chips wrapper she was holding in her hands had fallen on the floor, leading to her being arrested, convicted and appealing the decision as she could have maintained that she was unaware that she had been littering and this led to her unintentionally dropping her rubbish.

On the other hand it could be argued that she no longer needed the fish and chips wrapper as it had no further use, so by dropping it on the floor she was disposing of the rubbish. When looking at the counsel that wishes to cite a Canadian Supreme Court case can be seen as irrelevant due to the fact that Canada is not part of the European Union, therefore their assessments in previous court cases cannot be counted and have no connection to the judicial precedent in cases provided. In conclusion the literal, golden and mischief rules can be used in court to support the statutory interpretations of statutes as they can give judges a better understanding of how to review any cases where statutes statutory interpretation essay unclear or out of date, statutory interpretation essay.

Through looking at these three cases it is shown that the literal, statutory interpretation essay, golden and mischief rules can be helpful in statutory interpretation as it becomes easier to grasp whether or not in the case of the litter statute, the rules could be applied to ensure that the correct judgement is given to any individual being tried in a court of law. Bibliography Akhtar, statutory interpretation essay, A. and Ward, R. New York: Oxford University Press Inc. This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly.

Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper statutory interpretation essay free plagiarism report. Statutory Interpretation. Accessed January 7, Business Law — Statutory Interpretation and Judicial Precedence. Outline differences between statutory and independent service provision. In case you can't find a relevant example, statutory interpretation essay, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match, statutory interpretation essay. Home Philosophy Interpretation. Academic anxiety? Get original paper in 3 hours and nail the task. Get your paper price experts online. Hermeneutics As A Method Of Text-Interpretation.

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As long as such provision were not made, the reports or evidence are made not to be admitted. Hence the order binding the accused must be squashed. The suspect then examine the sample and rewrite to the complainant by accepting the oats at a cost of 34s per quarter. Thereafter, the suspect rejected the oats on reaching him with reason being that he were expecting old oats but the once he received were new. The suspect also complained about the cost price which is too high after reaching agreement with the complainant because he discovered that they were new oats, hence there came a fight in respect of their agreement because there is a bridge of contract.

In addition, they have agreed to the terms and conditions that governs the sales and purchase of the oats. The suspect thought they were old but the complainant knew they were new. Hence, the fault is from the suspect because of his inability to know the age of the oats he purchased. Conclusively, the term statutory interpretation is a method which judges use to translate the Acts of Parliament. In other words, the means in which judges utilize statutory laws is also known as statutory interpretation. A statute might be straightforward in terms of meaning but they are mostly made up vague words which are expected to be interpreted by the judges.

Additionally, many cases go to appea l at the point of interpretation. There are three basic rules generally enforced for statutory interpretations such as; Literal, Golden and Mischief Rules. com, The rules of statutory interpretation 2. uk, Hussain Publications. LIM MOH JOO. my, me, Smith v Hughes Case Brief Summary. info, Fisher v Bell. The Golden Rule: Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Golden Rule. Introduction to Statutory Interpretation. com, Jun 26, Accessed January 7, com , Jun Order paper like this. Did you like this example? Type your requirements and get professional help. Deadline: 10 days left. Number of pages. Email Invalid email. A professional writer will make a clear, mistake-free paper for you!

Stuck on ideas? Struggling with a concept? Get help with your assigment. Leave your email and we will send a sample to you. Email Send me the sample. Please check your inbox. Interested in this topic? Professional experts can help. The Mischief Rule is applied to what Parliament meant. What was the common law before the statute was passed. What remedy Parliament was trying to provide. The mischief rule may be applied to ascertain the purpose for which the legislation was enacted, by going beyond the actual words used in the legislation. Courts are in a most difficult position in this regard as they do not pass the legislation which they are required to interpret and the court will strive for a sensible meaning to the statute where at all possible.

An example how the mischief rule is apply in statutory interpretation is in the case of Smith v Hughes Prostitutes charged with soliciting on the streets contrary to the Street Offences Act Defence made that they were inside a building and tapping on a window to attract men thus not on the street. Despite such, the Court applied the Mischief Rule and found them guilty because the SOA Act was designed to prevent prostitution. These are assumptions judges make, however, they must be examined within the context of respective cases. Judges operate on the basis of these presumptions to ensure accurate interpretation of law. Judicial discretion is inherent in statutory interpretation.

The legislature cannot craft statutes to govern every in action. Moreover, when a statute is enacted, the legislature knows that its chosen language may bear more than one interpretation, entrusting the judiciary with discretion to identify the correct meaning of that inevitably ambiguous language. For these and other reasons, judges must exercise discretion when interpreting statutes. The judges interpret the law, and they do this within the cultural context of respective societies. If for example, a strict or literal interpretation of an act may create civil disturbance. And the mischief rule as well as the golden rule give judges this discretion. Statutory Interpretation Essay. com, Dec 07, Accessed January 7, com , Dec Statutory Interpretation Essay Topics: Common Law Government Interpretation Justice Law Learning Political Science.

Essay, Pages 8 words. Get quality help now. Proficient in: Common Law. Cite this page Statutory Interpretation Essay. Recent essay samples. Shakespeare — Sonnet Analysis and Interpretation Essay Pages: 3 words The road interpretation of the woman Pages: 3 words David by Michelangelo Interpretation Pages: 4 words Allegory Of The Cave Meaning And Interpretation Pages: 3 words The Interpretation Of Dreams Oedipus Complex Pages: 6 words Interpretation of Speeches in Othello Act 1 Scene 3 Pages: 6 words Biological Interpretation of Physical Education Pages: 2 words Hamlet Reflection and Interpretation Pages: 3 words Archaeology Interpretation of Hasta Lavista and Tacos Pages: 2 words Formal Essay in Human Relationships and Life Transitions Being an Adult Essay Pages: 7 words.

Avoid submitting plagiarized assignments. Not Finding What You Need? One of the other instances is the case of Junita, who fell asleep whilst on a park bench and the fish and chips wrapper she was holding in her hands had fallen on the floor, leading to her being arrested, convicted and appealing the decision as she could have maintained that she was unaware that she had been littering and this led to her unintentionally dropping her rubbish. On the other hand it could be argued that she no longer needed the fish and chips wrapper as it had no further use, so by dropping it on the floor she was disposing of the rubbish.

When looking at the counsel that wishes to cite a Canadian Supreme Court case can be seen as irrelevant due to the fact that Canada is not part of the European Union, therefore their assessments in previous court cases cannot be counted and have no connection to the judicial precedent in cases provided. In conclusion the literal, golden and mischief rules can be used in court to support the statutory interpretations of statutes as they can give judges a better understanding of how to review any cases where statutes are unclear or out of date. Through looking at these three cases it is shown that the literal, golden and mischief rules can be helpful in statutory interpretation as it becomes easier to grasp whether or not in the case of the litter statute, the rules could be applied to ensure that the correct judgement is given to any individual being tried in a court of law.

Bibliography Akhtar, A. and Ward, R. New York: Oxford University Press Inc. This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism report. Statutory Interpretation. Accessed January 7, Business Law — Statutory Interpretation and Judicial Precedence. Outline differences between statutory and independent service provision.

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