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My ideal person essay

My ideal person essay

PhD Essay Personal My Ideal Wife, a Descriptive Essay. Order original essay sample specially for your assignment needs. Besides, we must respect our housemates privately, everyone have right to have their secrets. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible, my ideal person essay. This paper addresses questions of suicide intervention within a broadly Kantian perspective. on My Ideal Wife, a Descriptive Essay.


A popular saying goes, "Marriage involves three rings: the engagement ring, the wedding ring, and the suffering. Probably, my ideal person essay, the instinct to find a mate is inherent in human beings; and I am no exception. Somehow, I believe that there is someone out there who was made especially for me, and, once I find her, we will fall in love, and get married; and only then will I feel complete. So, how will I recognize the right girl for me? What qualities should I be looking for? My ideal person essay is very important to have a person you can always rely on. I want my wife to be this person. She would be tightly connected with my life. I want to wake up by her tender kiss. The first thing I would see would be her smiling face. She would make breakfast for us.

We would call each other from time to time all day. In the evening I want to have dinner with her, cooked by her, and fall asleep holding my arms around her. First of all, my future wife should be my best friend. I want to share all my troubles, sorrows and dreams with her. She would never let me down and I could always my ideal person essay on her. Secondly, I want my wife to be my partner. Everything would be common for us: our children, our house, our moneyand duties. And we would have to make important decisions together. They should be sensible and reasonable. Also, we should trust each other, my ideal person essay.

Next, I want to have a good mother for my future children. She should be warm-hearted, gentle, understanding, my ideal person essay, and sometimes strict with them because a mother plays more important role in bringing up children than a man does. Order custom essay My Ideal Wife, a Descriptive Essay with free plagiarism report. I wish my children were worthy members of modern society. Then, my wife should be an elegant and good-looking woman. I want her to have smartness and beauty combined. Nowadays it is quite difficult to find a girl who is smart and beautiful at the same time but I will do my best to find her.

Character is more important my ideal person essay looks. I cannot deny that I am attracted to good-looking girls, but marrying solely for physical attraction will probably lead to short term pleasure but life-long regret. I have also noticed that beautiful women are often vain and rrogant, which I find most unattractive. One of the main things that I admire in a woman is my ideal person essay. Such a woman will not boast about her wealth, intelligence or achievements, but, instead, appreciate other people's abilities my ideal person essay achievements. She will also readily admit when she has made a mistake.

Such a woman would be a joy to live with. Good communication is the key to any solid relationship, most of all, marriage. I would want my future wife to share her thoughts with me. I want to hear her my ideal person essay and to share in her struggles. On the other hand, I will also need someone who will be ready to listen to me, and interested to know what is happening in my life. There should be no secrets between us, my ideal person essay. Life is full of challenges. We can expect to face failure as well as success; heartache as well as joy; boredom as well as excitement. So, the perfect wife should have a positive attitude and a good sense of humor. She should be witty and say things which make me laugh. The perfect wife would also be one who can see the silver lining behind every cloud, rather than focus on the flaws in every situation.

With such a woman, I will be encouraged to look at life in a happier and more positive way. Above all other qualities, the perfect wife will be faithful. She must be someone who really believes in that marriage is made to last "till death do us part". She will be totally committed to our relationship, and willing to stay for the long haul, "in sickness and in healthfor better or for worse"; as couples promise in the wedding vows. The perfect wife would not be distracted by other men; not even when I have lost my looks. He would be a "one-man woman". In return, I will also promise my total loyalty and faithfulness to my future wife. Actually, there are many other qualities that make a woman an ideal wife. However, while it is easy to make lists, finding a woman to live up to them will be very difficult.

Furthermore, instead of focusing on my requirements for the perfect wife, I think I should recognize my own imperfections, and set about correcting them, my ideal person essay. As Barnett Brickner said, "Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate. on My Ideal Wife, a Descriptive Essay. An ideal partner do follow the rules of the word JOY. i agree with that on some things. my letters are: my ideal person essay. The ideal partner perceives their mate on both an intellectual, observational level and an emotional, intuitive level. This partner is able to both understand and empathize with their mate. When a couple understands each other, they become aware of the commonalities that exist between them and also recognize and appreciate the differences.

This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. My Ideal Wife, a Descriptive Essay. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Nov 06, Accessed January 7, comNov Geoffrey Chaucer expresses present day realities throughout his novel The Canterbury Tales. Leisure activities are those things done by anyone voluntarily, during the time that he has no work. It is depicted as diversions or change of my ideal person essay. They may be play activities. My ideal person essay Introduction. Our world is full of trouble. We can have a happy or a ideal life. if we have perfect peace in society.

Gilgamesh, as a ruler, has portrayed a character that stirred up the necessity of having a leader who does not just have the time but also the passion for. College by definition Is an institution of higher learning. Being a college student can be excited because It's a different step of your life, where you going to face a. com SELF-CONCEPT Sensing that he is a distinct and separate existence from others through time and space, a man becomes, my ideal person essay. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. PhD Essay Personal My Ideal Wife, a Descriptive Essay. Order original essay sample specially for your assignment needs.

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Everyone has his or her own ideal person in one way or another. Without reason whose admiration is unjustified. The person whom I admire most is Mr. He is my dream man and I prefer him as the president of our country. Honesty, sincerity, passion, punctuality, self-awareness, and other positive demeanors he carries in his personality and all of these are part of his life. My ideal person will play a paramount role in every alley of the development of Bangladesh. As our country is venomous and undeveloped country, so it needs a president like Mr.

Firstly, honesty is one of his admirable characters that make him a person of rigid personality. As a leader, he have to incline conscious about many important aspects that will beget a major impact on the development of our every individuals, society, community and in broad extent for country. Secondly, sincerity and passion are other important traits of his character that begets him a person of brilliant personality. He will make our country as self-reliant, a terrorism and nepotism free society through his sincerity and passion; furthermore, he will try to turn wheel of fate of the poverty stricken people. Thirdly, punctuality and self-awareness are the unique features of his personality. Along with his punctuality and self-awareness, he will change our country by investing money in various sectors which are closely related not only to the socio-economic development through improving women empowerment but also make our country as a super power in the competitive world.

Angel always tries to say something directly rather than sly hints, moreover, he will be a person of translucent rather than transparent. How can anyone rule a country for a group of million people, without having the same beliefs as a majority of the citizens? As a president Mr. Angel will try to do everything to make the people happy and prosperous. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. I feel this may be different again when I eventually move to another company. e top management needs to be strong in driving their ideal cultures. In my current company, it was The Ideal Human a Cording To Confucianism Rel January 30, Elizabeth Reedy This is the ideal human a cording to Confucianism; this is a guideline of a social group, a individual that is converted in to perfection is one that has a mixer of ren, li, shu, Xiao and wen.

When defining the ideal person one most look at all essence of the person. Confucian look at relationships to signify the ideal person, to the elder brother-younger brother, the elder brother is responsible for the younger sibling in how they are raised. The relationship with the husband-wife the husband is the protector of the wife, and the wife is the homemaker and mother. The gift-giving plays a great role in strengthen relationships. Confucian ideals are the inward expression of Ren. Confucius believed that human are good at the core. Li is Confucian virtues of ethics and is a part of the commonly called the five constant virtues of Confucianism.

In the Shu this is how my action affect is the other person. The term wen means culture this is the development of the arts. When these are all in operation this is the ideal human a cording to Confucianism. One a person meets all the virtues in Confucianism they are the ideal human. Thinking of other before them self, having the up most respect for THE QUALITIES OF AN IDEAL HOUSEMATE At first glance it seems very difficult for us to define what are the important qualities of an ideal housemate. However, after serious considerations we can see that under most circumstances, an ideal housemate should at least have the following three qualities. Firstly, we should know how to respect people. Not only our housemate, also people around them. It is the most important factor in our communications.

Whatever what is their background, they are the same as their housemates, they are all equal. To respect their housemate, respect their religions and cultures. Do not laugh at ethnic people or racism. That is rude and stupid. We should respect what God created for us. Besides, we must respect our housemates privately, everyone have right to have their secrets. Furthermore, the qualities of an ideal housemate that I desired should possess good personalities. An easy going and friendly housemate is most suitable for a person who is introvert and shy like me. I like the feeling of warmness that naturally exudes from a person, because I know this may help me to get along well with her when we are living under the same roof.

We can also solve the problem without making argument if we encounter some problems about living Some people say that your "Ideal Life" is nothing more than a fantasy, somewhat like World Peace. Michelangelo once said; "The greatest danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark. I just hope and pray that I am one of the lucky ones! With out our dreams what do we have to live for? When asked what my "ideal life" situation would be, I had no option but to admit that I did not have a clue. But the more that I think about it, the more that I realize that maybe I was wrong, maybe I know what I want, maybe I am just afraid that I wouldn't be able to achieve my goals, But what's the point of goals if you don't have to strive to reach them?

If I could have my "ideal job", it would be a High school Teacher, or something along those lines. I really want to be able to help someone in the way that people have helped me. So therefore, my "ideal career" would have to include the opportunity to help Children and Teens. I feel that with all that I have been through, I would be able to help kids because I would be able to relate to them, and know where they are coming from. There are so many kids out there who do not have anyone to turn to, and if I could just be that person for one child, it would make my life worth living Dunaway, Sheri HLT January 19, Professor Weyrich Values In Life Our ideals help us to focus on what is really important to us and helps to shape our identity. In writing this paper, I must really think about what ideals are important to me, and not just choose ideals by default.

Thinking about this I believe that accountability, benevolence, loyalty, compassion, faith and honesty are six of the ideals that are important to me. I believe that everyone should be accountable for their actions and not try to blame everything that is not perfect in their life on someone else. Benevolence, because I want to do what is good and right, loyalty to my friends and family, compassion to help those that are not as fortunate, or are in pain and honesty so that I can be trusted and I can trust others. Faith is what truly guides the decisions that I make. My self-worth is largely dependent on how well I can live up to the ideals that I have set for myself. I must have respect for myself and know that I am a valuable and worthy person. It is important when judging self-worth to look at what you think of yourself, not the criticism others have given you.

I believe that I have a healthy sense of self-worth and I am confident in the way I lead my life. The most virtuous qualities to possess are honesty and integrity. Integrity proves that you are a person that follows the ideals and values that you have set for yourself, and you are of good moral character and can be trusted we really are as a person. It is our inner personality that is influenced by our life experiences and our interpretations from those experiences. For example, you need to describe a person. Ask a question: for what purpose? If in order to tell how cute he is, then you will describe his appearance.

If the goal is to write that he is a very good friend, then you will have to describe not only the external features but also his or her character. For an example, I'll write a couple of essays that describe a person. It will be a description of appearance, description of personal qualities and description of the character. I also advise you to read the essay about character and get new information about oneself. I have a friend with a beautiful name Lucy. She is low on growth, brown-eyed and black-browed. She has on her pale face barely visible freckles.

Big brown eyes are framed with long fluffy eyelashes. She always grins with her amazing smile. When she laughs, her little nose wrinkles so funnily. She is very tidy. Her dresses are always ironed. Lucy is a sincere friend. Between us, there are never secrets. Together we read books, go to the library, prepare home tasks. When I was sick, she always comes to me after classes, talks about school and about her adventures. But the most interesting she talks about the new books she read. I want to listen to her every day, listen without end. I love my friend for her sensitivity, kindness and spiritual purity.

This essay on friendship proves it. Considering the topic before writing this essay, I kept thinking about whom is better to write: about someone of my friends, about my mother or about a familiar aunt? So I decided to describe the appearance of any woman I have ever known, but not related to me. So, I want to tell you about my neighbor - Emma. She is an ethnic Armenian, and it manifests in all form in my neighbor. It is manifested in everything: in the slightly hooked nose, in jet-black curly hair, in a soft, almost velvet voice and in very strong accent. Emma is a middle-aged woman, she is over forty. She is very tall, a little overweight but this corpulence surprisingly makes her such a beautiful woman. Emma is a very interesting person.

She loves to laugh and to joke.

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